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2024-03-05 来源:


     本期推送梳理了2023年度经济学五大英文顶刊(American Economic Review、The Quarterly Journal of Economics、The Review of Economic Studies 、Journal of Political Economy 、Econometrica )中有中国学者参与的以及探讨中国重大现实问题的各类文章,并对这些文章的研究范围进行了简要的归纳和分析,以飨读者。这些文章对现实问题进行了较为深刻的分析和讨论,对我们进一步理解和解决中国的经济问题具有较为重要的借鉴价值和启示意义,非常值得一读。


American Economic Review

2023年《American Economic Review》期刊上发表的文章中,有6篇文章对中国的现实问题进行了深入的探讨和分析,其中4篇有中国学者参与,研究范围涉及中美贸易、官员工作行为、就业性别歧视、国有企业与收入分配等重大现实问题。



Did US Politicians Expect the China Shock?美国政界人士是否预料到了中国的冲击?


Matilde Bombardini,Bingjing Li,Francesco Trebbi

中国学者:Bingjing Li,Department of Economics, The University of Hong Kong


American Economic Review, 2023, 113(1), 174-209


Information sets, expectations, and preferences of politicians are fundamental, but unobserved determinants of their policy choices. Employing repeated votes in the US House of Representatives on China's normal trade relations (NTR) status during the two decades straddling China's World Trade Organization (WTO) accession, we apply a moment inequality approach designed to deliver consistent estimates under weak informational assumptions on the information sets of members of Congress. This methodology offers a robust way to test hypotheses about what information politicians have at the time of their decision and to estimate the weight that constituents, ideology, and other factors have in policy making and voting.







Subjective Performance Evaluation, Influence Activities, and Bureaucratic Work Behavior: Evidence from China



Alain de Janvry, Guojun He, Elisabeth Sadoulet, Shaoda Wang,Qiong Zhang

中国学者:Guojun He,Department of Economics and Department of Management and Strategy, The University of Hong Kong

Qiong Zhang,Institute of Social Security Studies, Renmin University of China


American Economic Review, 2023, 113(3), 766-799


Subjective performance evaluation could induce influence activities: employees might devote too much effort to pleasing their evaluator, relative to working toward the goals of the organization itself. We conduct a randomized field experiment among Chinese local civil servants to study the existence and implications of influence activities. We find that civil servants do engage in evaluator-specific influence to affect evaluation outcomes, partly in the form of reallocating work efforts toward job tasks that are more important and observable to the evaluator. Importantly, we show that introducing uncertainty about the evaluator's identity discourages evaluator-specific influence activities and improves bureaucratic work performance.







What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads?当雇主不能再在招聘广告中进行歧视时会发生什么?


Kuhn, P.,Shen, K


American Economic Review, 2023, 113(4), 1013-1048


When employers' explicit gender requests were unexpectedly removed from a Chinese job board overnight, pools of successful applicants became more integrated: women's (men's) share of callbacks to jobs that had requested men (women) rose by 61 (146) percent. The removal "worked" in this sense because it generated a large increase in gender-mismatched applications, and because those applications were treated surprisingly well by employers, suggesting that employers' gender requests often represented relatively weak preferences or outdated stereotypes. The job titles that were integrated by the ban, however, were not the most gendered ones, and were disproportionately lower-wage jobs.







Information, Mobile Communication, and Referral Effects信息、移动通信和转介效应


Panle Jia Barwick,Yanyan Liu,Eleonora Patacchini,Qi Wu

中国学者:Qi Wu,Guanghua School of Management, Peking University


American Economic Review, 113 (5): 1170-1207


This paper uses the universe of cellphone records from a Chinese telecommunication provider for a northern Chinese city to examine the role of information exchange in urban labor markets. We provide the first direct evidence of increased communication among referral pairs around job changes. Information provided by social contacts mitigates information asymmetry and improves labor market performance.







Market Structure, Oligopsony Power, and Productivity市场结构、寡头力量和生产力


Michael Rubens


American Economic Review, 113 (9): 2382-2410


I examine the effects of oligopsony power on allocative efficiency and income redistribution by studying a size regulation in the Chinese tobacco industry that led to ownership consolidation. I show that separate identification of input price markdowns, goods price markups, and productivity is challenging when a subset of inputs is nonsubstitutable, which often holds for materials, and construct and estimate a model to overcome this challenge. I find that the regulation increased input price markdowns by 37 percent on average. This increase in oligopsony power led to a decline in allocative efficiency and redistributed income away from rural households.


我通过研究中国烟草行业导致所有权整合的规模管制,考察了寡头力量对分配效率和收入再分配的影响。我的研究表明,当投入品的子集不可替代时(材料通常如此),对投入品降价、商品加价和生产率的单独识别具有挑战性,因此我构建并估计了一个模型来克服这一挑战。我发现,该法规使投入品降价平均增加了 37%。寡头力量的增加导致了分配效率的下降,并使农村家庭的收入发生了重新分配。





Happy Times: Measuring Happiness Using Response Times 快乐时光:用响应时间衡量幸福感


Shuo Liu,Nick Netzer

中国学者:Shuo Liu,Guanghua School of Management, Peking University


American Economic Review, 113 (12): 3289-3322


Surveys measuring happiness or preferences generate discrete ordinal data. Ordered response models, which are used to analyze such data, suffer from an identification problem. Their conclusions depend on distributional assumptions about a latent variable. We propose using response times to solve that problem. Response times contain information about the distribution of the latent variable through a chronometric effect. Using an online survey experiment, we verify the chronometric effect. We then provide theoretical conditions for testing conventional distributional assumptions. These assumptions are rejected in some cases, but overall our evidence is consistent with the qualitative validity of the conventional models.






The Quarterly Journal of Economics

2023年《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》期刊上发表的文章中,有4篇文章涉及中国问题和中国故事,其中2篇有中国学者参与,研究范围涉及中美贸易、中国政治统一格局的形成、个人精英网络对中国政治及战争的影响、“一带一路”倡议等重大现实问题。



Globalization, Trade Imbalances, and Labor Market Adjustment全球化、贸易失衡与劳动力市场调整


Rafael Dix-Carneiro, João Paulo Pessoa, Ricardo Reyes-Heroles, Sharon Traiberman


The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(2), 1109-1171


We argue that modeling trade imbalances is crucial for understanding transitional dynamics in response to globalization shocks. We build and estimate a general equilibrium, multicountry, multisector model of trade with two key ingredients: (i) endogenous trade imbalances arising from households’ consumption and saving decisions; (ii) labor market frictions across and within sectors. We use our model to perform several empirical exercises. We find that the “China shock” accounted for 28% of the decline in U.S. manufacturing between 2000 and 2014—1.65 times the magnitude predicted from a model imposing balanced trade. A concurrent rise in U.S. service employment led to a negligible aggregate unemployment response. We benchmark our model’s predictions for the gains from trade against the popular ACR sufficient-statistics approach. We find that our predictions for the long-run gains from trade and consumption dynamics significantly diverge.


我们认为,建立贸易失衡模型对于理解应对全球化冲击的过渡动态至关重要。我们建立并估算了一个多国、多部门的一般均衡贸易模型,该模型有两个关键要素:(i) 由家庭消费和储蓄决策引起的内生性贸易失衡;(ii) 各部门之间和部门内部的劳动力市场摩擦。我们利用这一模型进行了多项实证研究。我们发现,“中国冲击”占 2000 年至 2014 年美国制造业下降的 28%,是实行平衡贸易的模型预测值的 1.65 倍。与此同时,美国服务业就业率的上升导致的总失业率反应微乎其微。我们将我们的模型对贸易收益的预测与流行的 ACR 充分统计方法进行了比较。我们发现,我们对长期贸易收益和消费动态的预测存在显著差异。





The Fractured-Land Hypothesis断裂的土地假说


Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Mark Koyama, Youhong Lin, Tuan-Hwee Sng

中国学者:Youhong Lin,Department of Economics, School of Economics, Xiamen University and Wang Yannan Institute of Economic Research


The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2023, 138(2), 1173-1231


Patterns of state formation have crucial implications for comparative economic development. Diamond (1997) famously argued that “fractured land” was responsible for China’s tendency toward political unification and Europe’s protracted polycentrism. We build a dynamic model with granular geographical information in terms of topographical features and the location of productive agricultural land to quantitatively gauge the effects of fractured land on state formation in Eurasia. We find that topography alone is sufficient but not necessary to explain polycentrism in Europe and unification in China. Differences in land productivity, in particular the existence of a core region of high land productivity in northern China, deliver the same result. We discuss how our results map into observed historical outcomes, assess how robust our findings are, and analyze the differences between theory and data in Africa and the Americas.


国家的形成模式对比较经济发展有着至关重要的影响。戴蒙德(Diamond,1997 年)提出了一个著名的观点,即 "破碎的土地 "是中国政治统一趋势和欧洲长期多中心主义的原因。我们利用地形特征和农业生产用地位置等细粒度地理信息建立了一个动态模型,以定量衡量土地破碎对欧亚大陆国家形成的影响。我们发现,仅凭地形就足以解释欧洲的多中心主义和中国的统一。土地生产力的差异,尤其是中国北方高土地生产力核心区域的存在,也带来了同样的结果。我们讨论了我们的结果如何映射到观察到的历史结果,评估了我们的发现的稳健程度,并分析了非洲和美洲的理论与数据之间的差异。





Web of Power: How Elite Networks Shaped War and Politics in China权力之网:精英网络如何塑造了中国的战争和政治


Ying Bai, Ruixue Jia, Jiaojiao Yang

中国学者:Ying Bai,Department of Economics, The University of Hong Kong

Jiaojiao Yang,Department of Economics, The University of Hong Kong


The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2023, 138(2), 1067-1108


Scholars have argued that powerful individuals can exert influence on the path of a nation’s development. Yet the process through which people can have an effect on macro-level political economy outcomes remains unclear. This study uses the deadliest civil war in modern history, the Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864), to elucidate how one person—Zeng Guofan—used his personal elite networks to organize an army to suppress the rebellion, and how these networks would affect the nation’s power distribution. Two findings stand out: (i) counties that already had more prewar elites in Zeng’s networks experienced an increase in soldier deaths after he took power; and (ii) postwar political power shifted significantly toward the home counties of these elites, creating a less balanced national-level power distribution. Our findings highlight how micro-level elite networks can influence national politics and societal power distribution, shedding new light on the relationship between elites, war, and the state.


学者们认为,有权势的个人可以对一个国家的发展道路施加影响。然而,人们对宏观政治经济结果产生影响的过程仍不清楚。本研究通过近代史上最惨烈的内战——太平天国起义(1850-1864 年)——来阐释曾国藩如何利用其个人精英网络组织军队镇压起义,以及这些网络如何影响国家的权力分配。其中有两个发现最为突出:(i) 战前曾国藩网络中精英较多的郡县,在曾国藩掌权后士兵死亡人数增加;(ii) 战后政治权力明显向这些精英的家乡郡县转移,导致国家层面的权力分配不平衡。我们的研究结果凸显了微观层面的精英网络如何影响国家政治和社会权力分配,为我们揭示精英、战争和国家之间的关系提供了新的视角。





Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets分散运输市场的搜索摩擦与效率


Giulia Brancaccio, Myrto Kalouptsidi, Theodore Papageorgiou, Nicola Rosaia


The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(4): 2451–2503


We explore efficiency and optimal policy in decentralized transport markets, such as taxis, trucks, and bulk shipping. We show that in these markets, search frictions distort the transportation network and the dynamic allocation of carriers over space. We derive explicit and intuitive conditions for efficiency and show how they translate into efficient pricing rules, or optimal taxes and subsidies for the planner who cannot set prices directly. The results imply that destination-based pricing is essential to attain efficiency. Then, using data from dry bulk shipping, we demonstrate that search frictions lead to a sizable social loss and substantial misallocation of ships over space. Optimal policy can eliminate about half of the welfare loss. Can a centralizing platform, often arising as a market-based solution to search frictions, do better? Interestingly, the answer is no; although the platform eradicates frictions, it exerts market power, thus eroding the welfare gains. Finally, we use two recent interventions in the industry (China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the environmental initiative IMO 2020) to demonstrate that taking into account the efficiency properties of transport markets is germane to any proposed policy.


我们探讨了分散运输市场(如出租车、卡车和散货运输)的效率和最优政策。我们表明,在这些市场中,搜索摩擦扭曲了运输网络和运输工具在空间上的动态分配。我们推导出了明确而直观的效率条件,并展示了这些条件如何转化为有效的定价规则,或为无法直接定价的规划者提供最优税收和补贴。结果表明,基于目的地的定价对实现效率至关重要。然后,利用干散货航运的数据,我们证明了搜索摩擦会导致相当大的社会损失和船舶在空间上的严重错配。最佳政策可以消除约一半的福利损失。通常作为搜索摩擦的市场化解决方案而出现的集中化平台能做得更好吗?有趣的是,答案是否定的;尽管该平台消除了摩擦,但它施加了市场力量,从而侵蚀了福利收益。最后,我们利用最近对该行业的两次干预(中国的 "一带一路 "倡议和 IMO 2020 环保倡议)来说明,考虑运输市场的效率属性对任何拟议政策都至关重要。




The Review of Economic Studies

2023年《The Review of Economic Studies》期刊上发表的文章中,有3篇文章涉及中国问题和中国故事,其中1篇有中国学者参与,研究范围涉及中国增值税改革、在线零售商和政府数据与人工智能等重大现实问题。



Tax Policy and Lumpy Investment Behaviour: Evidence from China’s VAT Reform税收政策与不稳定的投资行为:中国增值税改革的证据


Zhao Chen,Xian Jiang, Zhikuo Liu, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato, Daniel Yi Xu

中国学者:Zhao Chen,School of Economics, Fudan University

Zhikuo Liu,School of Economics, Fudan University


The Review of Economic Studies, 90(2), 634-674


We incorporate the lumpy nature of firm-level investment into the study of how tax policy affects investment behavior. We show that tax policies can directly impact the lumpiness of investment. Extensive-margin responses to tax policy are key to understanding the effects of different tax reforms and to designing effective stimulus policies. We illustrate these results by studying China’s 2009 VAT reform, which lowered the tax cost of investment and reduced partial irreversibility—the price gap between new and used capital. Using comprehensive tax survey data and a difference-in-differences design, we estimate a 36% relative investment increase that is driven by investment spikes. Using a dynamic investment model that fits the reduced-form effects of the reform, we show that policies that directly reduce the likelihood of firm inaction are more effective at stimulating investment.


在研究税收政策如何影响投资行为时,我们将公司层面投资的波动性纳入其中。我们的研究表明,税收政策会直接影响投资的波动性。外延利润率对税收政策的反应是理解不同税收改革效果和设计有效刺激政策的关键。我们通过研究中国 2009 年的增值税改革来说明这些结果,改革降低了投资的税收成本,减少了部分不可逆转性--新资本和旧资本之间的价格差距。利用全面的税收调查数据和差异设计,我们估算出了由投资峰值推动的 36%的投资增长。我们使用一个动态投资模型来拟合改革的简化形式效应,结果表明,直接降低企业不作为可能性的政策在刺激投资方面更为有效。





Redeemable Platform Currencies可兑换平台货币


Kenneth Rogoff,Yang You

中国学者:Yang You,Finance Department, The University of Hong Kong


The Review of Economic Studies, 90(2), 975-1008


Can massive online retailers such as Amazon and Alibaba issue digital tokens that potentially compete with bank debit accounts? There is a long history of trading stamps and loyalty points, but new technologies are poised to sharply raise the significance of redeemable assets as a store of value. Here, we develop a simple stylized model of redeemable tokens that can be used to study sales and pricing strategies for issuing tokens, including ICOs. Our central finding is that platforms can potentially earn higher revenues by making tokens non-tradable unless they can generate a sufficiently high outside-platform convenience yield.


亚马逊和阿里巴巴等大型在线零售商能否发行数字代币,与银行借记卡账户一争高下?邮票和会员积分的交易由来已久,但新技术将大幅提高可兑换资产作为价值存储的重要性。在此,我们建立了一个简单的可兑换代币风格化模型,可用于研究发行代币(包括 ICO)的销售和定价策略。我们的核心发现是,除非平台能产生足够高的平台外便利收益,否则平台可以通过使代币不可交易来获得更高的潜在收入。





Data-intensive Innovation and the State: Evidence from AI Firms in China数据密集型创新与国家:来自中国人工智能企业的证据


Martin Beraja, David Y Yang, Noam Yuchtman


The Review of Economic Studies, 90(4), 1701-1723


Developing artificial intelligence (AI) technology requires data. In many domains, government data far exceed in magnitude and scope data collected by the private sector, and AI firms often gain access to such data when providing services to the state. We argue that such access can stimulate commercial AI innovation in part because data and trained algorithms are shareable across government and commercial uses. We gather comprehensive information on firms and public security procurement contracts in China’s facial recognition AI industry. We quantify the data accessible through contracts by measuring public security agencies’ capacity to collect surveillance video. Using a triple-differences strategy, we find thatdata-rich contracts, compared to data-scarce ones, lead recipient firms to develop significantly and substantially more commercial AI software. Our analysis suggests a contribution of government data to the rise of China’s facial recognition AI firms, and that states’ data collection and provision policies could shape AI innovation.






Journal of Political Economy

2023年《Journal of Political Economy》期刊上发表的文章中,共有3篇文章有中国学者参与,研究问题涉及同伴效应与学生成绩、银行扩张和婚前投资行为,其中1篇探讨了中国的现实问题——婚前投资行为对人力资本投资的影响。



Social Networks with Unobserved Links 具有无观测链接的社会网络


Arthur Lewbel, Xi Qu, Xun Tang

中国学者:Xi Qu,Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Journal of Political Economy, 131(4), 898-946


We point-identify and estimate linear social network models without observing any network links. The required data consist of many small networks of individuals, such as classrooms or villages, with individuals who are each observed only once. We apply our estimator to data from Tennessee’s Project STAR (Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio). Without observing the latent network in each classroom, we identify and estimate peer and contextual effects on students’ performance in mathematics. We find that peer effects tend to be larger in bigger classes and that increasing peer effects would significantly improve students’ average test scores in some classes.


我们在不观察任何网络链接的情况下,对线性社会网络模型进行点识别和估计。所需的数据由许多小型个体网络组成,如教室或村庄,每个个体只被观测一次。我们将我们的估计方法应用于田纳西州的 STAR 项目(学生-教师成就比)数据。在不观察每个教室的潜在网络的情况下,我们识别并估计了同伴和环境对学生数学成绩的影响。我们发现,在较大的班级中,同伴效应往往更大,而增加同伴效应将显著提高某些班级学生的平均考试成绩。





Dynamic Bank Expansion: Spatial Growth, Financial Access, and Inequality 动态银行扩张:空间增长、金融获取和不平等


Yan Ji, Songyuan Teng, and Robert M. Townsend

中国学者:Yan Ji ,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Journal of Political Economy, 131(8), 000-000


We propose a model with local spatial markets and heterogeneous agents to understand and evaluate the geographic expansion of bank branches after banking deregulation in Thailand. The model features heterogeneity in financial frictions across regions, with the costs of accessing credit and deposits depending on the distance from the nearest branch. Disciplined by micro estimates of the effects of branch openings, the model reproduces salient regional and aggregate patterns concerning occupational choice, financial access, and inequality. We apply the model to study two counterfactual financial sector policies in distant markets, one subsidizing branches and the other subsidizing household deposits.







Multidimensional Premarital Investments with Imperfect Commitment 不完全承诺下的多维婚前投资


V. Bhaskar,Wenchao Li,Junjian Yi

中国学者:Junjian Yi,National Development Research Institute of Peking University


Journal of Political Economy, 131(10), 2893-2919


We analyze premarital investments in human capital and housing when individuals are unable to make binding commitments to share their labor income with a prospective spouse. Investments are distorted if there are gender differences in bargaining power over own labor income or marriage market imbalances. Distortions are magnified when ex ante bargaining power favors one sex (e.g., women in China) and ex post bargaining power favors the other (e.g., men in China), since parents of boys will increase housing investments in order to credibly commit to share more resources with the boy’s potential wife, possibly crowding out human capital investments.










Mitigating Disaster Risks in the Age of Climate Change 在气候变化时代降低灾害风险


Harrison Hong, Neng Wang, Jinqiang Yang

中国学者:Jinqiang Yang,School of Finance,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Shanghai Institute of International Finance and Economics


Econometrica, 91(5), 1763-1802


Emissions abatement alone cannot address the consequences of global warming for weather disasters. We model how society adapts to manage disaster risks to capital stock. Optimal adaptation—a mix of firm-level efforts and public spending—varies as society learns about the adverse consequences of global warming for disaster arrivals. Taxes on capital are needed alongside those on carbon to achieve the first best. We apply our model to country-level control of flooding from tropical cyclones. Learning rationalizes empirical findings, including the responses of Tobin's q, equity risk premium, and risk-free rate to disaster arrivals. Adaptation is more valuable under learning than a counterfactual no-learning environment. Learning alters social-cost-of-carbon projections due to the interaction of uncertainty resolution and endogenous adaptive response.


仅靠减排无法解决全球变暖对气象灾害造成的后果。我们模拟了社会如何适应以管理资本存量的灾害风险。当社会了解到全球变暖对灾害来临的不利影响时,最优适应——企业层面的努力和公共支出的组合——就会发生变化。要实现最佳适应,除了碳税之外,还需要征收资本税。我们将模型应用于国家层面的热带气旋洪水控制。学习合理化了经验发现,包括托宾 Q、股票风险溢价和无风险利率对灾害到来的反应。与没有学习的反事实环境相比,学习环境下的适应更有价值。由于不确定性解决和内生适应性反应的相互作用,学习改变了社会碳成本预测。




